



2024-07-20 01:37:07 来源:网络


be strict with翻译 -
be strict with翻译:严格要求双语例句:1、We must be strict with ourselves in our work.我们在工作中对自己必须严格要求。2、You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。3、We mustn't be too strict with young people, nor can we let 好了吧!
be strict with sb.是固定搭配,译为:对某人要求严格。该句译为:我们英语老师对我们要求很严格。希望能够帮到你。


翻译:对...严厉 -
1. be strict with sb 对某人严厉2. To inflict severe punishment on.对…实施严厉的惩罚3. be severe upon [on] sb 对某人很严厉4. I have to be sharp with him.我不得不对他严厉些。5. He was too severe upon his child.他对孩子太严厉。6. He is soft on his st好了吧!
1、对象不同be strict with的对象通常是人,表示对某人要求严格。而be strict in的对象通常是某个行为或规定,表示在某方面要求严格。例句:①The teacher is strict with her students. 这位老师对她的学生要求严格。②She is strict in her diet to maintain her health. 她饮食严谨以保持健康。2到此结束了?。
be strict是什么意思 -
be strict严格,例子:He is very strict with his students.他对学生非常严格。run around me围着我跑,我跑来跑去。希望对你有帮助,
be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself, be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。
英语短语翻译急急急 -
in sequence:按顺序at stake:在危险中in accordance with:与……一致;按照;根据on behalf of:代表on schedule:如期in all:总共,总计be good at:对于……很擅长be ready to help others:乐于助人be busy doing:忙着做某事be tired of:对……厌倦be strict with:对…….. strict in sth解析:strict通常用于指对人的行为要求符合规范,一般译为“严格的”; severe多指由于客观需要而不能轻易改变规则和要求,含有冷酷无情之义,一般译为“严厉的”; stern则含有坚定不可动摇之义,多由人的性格所决定,一般译为“严谨的”。 strict with sb in sth解析:基本是什么。
...的英文翻译。是这个“I always strict with myself.”还是这个...
I am always strict with myself be strict with 对。。。要求严格如果对你有所帮助,请记得采纳哦!
be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself,be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。